A transaction of electronic bills of lading must be fulfilled by the electronic signature of the original holder and then electronically singed by the carrier. 电子载货证券的每笔转让交易必须由原持有人电子签章,之后并由运送人电子签章。
China always some people always say "the United States than China's bright moon, round" Now look at the original United States aircraft carrier also "worrying about" time. 中国一些人时常总是说“美国月亮比中国的亮,圆”现在看看原来美国航母也有“发愁”的时候。
They went up the carrier and attempted to put the panels back to the original position so that they could remain leaning against the side railings of the carrier. 他们走上车斗,尝试将玻璃板放回原位,以让它们可继续靠著车斗两边的栏栅。
Bill of Lading is the product of the development of carriage of goods by sea to some historic stage. Original Bill of Lading was only a receipt signed to the shipper by the carrier, which proved that the carrier had received the goods. 提单是海上运输发展到一定阶段的产物,最初的提单只是承运人签发给托运人的、证明其收到货物的收据,据此,提单持有人可以要求承运人交付货物;
Our enterprises should be enlightened from the following aspects: highlighting the integrity of enterprise culture, regenerating a new cultural quality on the basis of original culture, treating man as the core and carrier of culture and remaining a long process of the integrity of culture. 日美企业文化对我国企业文化建设的启示在于:要高度重视企业文化的融合;企业文化融合要在原有文化个性的基础上生成一种新的文化特质;
Influence to detecting approaches for cycle slips of GPS original carrier phase by different interval and comparison of their effects 不同采样率对GPS原始相位观测值周跳探测方法的影响及其效果比较
This arithmetic can detect the digital watermark without the original carrier image and the original watermark. 该算法在抽取水印时不需要原始载体图像和原始水印。
Delivery without Original Bill of Lading and Carrier's Defences This means that the argument is always true by virtue of its form. 无单放货及承运人的抗辩其意味着单从形式而言该命题始终为真。
Based on original Bill of Lading was lost sometimes, the author prese an efficient method on how to deal with these problems considering the profit both the carrier and the shipper. 此文说明托运人丢失提单后,承运人应如何综合考虑承运人和托运人双方的利益,正确处理提单丢失后的处理问题。
At last, as to the scope of this effect in sea transportation, the author points out that the relationship presented in Bill of Lading is independent from that in original carriage contract and it only affects the carrier and the holder. 最后对债权效力在运输环节中的作用范围,指出提单债权关系与原始运输合同关系是相互独立、各自存在的关系,提单关系只作用于承运人与提单持有人。
In this paper, the mass balance model relating to column pressure was set up, which based the original mass balance model, and taken into the relationship between the pressure change and carrier gas speed in the column. 本文在色谱质量平衡模型基础上,考虑到气相色谱过程中柱压降与载气线速的关系,建立了考虑柱压降的气液分配色谱质量平衡模型。
The "soil" in the installation has presented a changing trend that it is to lose the original function and turning into "carrier". 设施生产中的土壤有失去原有功能而变为载体的趋势。
Application of GPS Multi-frequency Carrier Phase Combinations for Preprocessing of Original Carrier Phase Observations 多频组合数据在原始载波观测值预处理中的应用
It filled the PBH as carrier for CaCO_3 in which the original molar hexene content was 30% in PP, and compared with PP filled by CaCO_3 without carrier. 以己烯初始摩尔含量为30%的PBH作为CaCO3的载体,填充PP,并与未采用载体的CaCO3填充体系进行比较。
On the other hand, original idea is just a thinking form existing in the designer's consciousness, to convey it the 'design representation' process is needed to find a carrier. 同时,创意理念是一种思维形态,它存在于设计师的意识之中,要将这种理念传达出来,必须要有设计表现这一环节为其寻找载体。
By taking discrete wavelet transform of original image, the middle-frequency wavelet coefficients, which were divided into small blocks, were selected as carrier of watermark information. A two-value watermark sequence was embedded into the mean values of block coefficients by applying non-uniform quantization index modulation. 该算法对原始图像进行离散小波变换,将中频小波系数分成3×3的系数子块作为水印载体,对子块的系数均值采用非均匀量化索引调制,实现二值水印的嵌入。
Urban modernization displayed by material form must require to change the original material carrier of a city, which leads to some contradictions and conflicts between the new and the old, modern and history. 城市现代化要以物质形式表现出来,必然要求改变城市原来的物质载体,产生新与旧、现代与历史之间的矛盾与冲突。
To Jupiter GPS OEM board receiver of the low cost, the software was developed according to the original data of satellite, the primitive observation data of receiver and GPS theory of technology based on GPS Pseudo-range observation and Carrier phase measurement. 针对低成本的JupiterGPSOEM板接收机,直接根据星历原始数据和接收机原始观测数据以及GPS定位技术的理论进行了GPSOEM板的伪距与载波相位定位软件的开发。
The original program in the FPGA to achieve the carrier and PN code synchronization, as well as MCU software design, wad retained in the improvement program. 原方案中在FPGA实现的载波和伪码同步,以及MCU软件设计,在改进方案中予以保留。
The watermarking information rolling is kept independent from the original database information, realizing embedding of watermarking information with little change of the carrier. Also, the ICA method is employed to extract watermarking image. 这种水印信息滚迭方式,与原有数据库中的信息保持相互统计独立,实现对载体较小而改变嵌入水印信息,利用了ICA方法实现水印图像的提取。
The original information carrier built on physical media is gradually replaced by virtual information carrier, which results in the speed up of information transmission and the diversification of information dissemination channels. 建立在实物媒介的信息载体逐渐被虚拟信息载体代替,变化的结果是信息传播速度的加快以及信息传播渠道的多样化。
Without presentation of the original bills of lading refers to the delivery of the obligations of the carrier or agent, supervisor of the goods with no original bills of lading and delivery of goods under the bill of lading. 无单放货是指负有凭单交货义务的承运人或代理人,货物监管人没有凭正本提单而交付该提单下的货物的行为。
In this case, this method tries to restore the original carrier while extracting the embedded data. 为此,本方法探索提取秘密信息时尽量恢复原载体。
Delivery the goods without original bill of lading refers to an international shipping practice in which the carrier, the actual carrier or its agent delivers the goods to others without withdrawing such original bill of lading. 无单放货是指在国际航运实践中,承运人、实际承运人或其代理人等在未收回正本提单的情况下实际交付货物给他人的行为。
The algorithm embeds the watermark information into the transform domain of original carrier after discrete wavelet and discrete cosine transform. 该算法将水印信息嵌入载体图像经过小波与离散余弦变换后的频域系数中。
Digital watermarking, as a solution to copyright protection and information security, is a technology that embeds information into the original carrier. 数字水印技术通过将与产品版权等相关的水印信息嵌入载体产品中,成功实现对宿主产品信息的保护,进而成为一种解决版权保护和信息安全的有效手段。
This paper presents a watermarking algorithm which is not only resistant unintentional interference to a certain extent, but also can nearly recover the original carrier image. 结合这两个问题,本文提出了一种图像水印算法,不仅具有抵抗一定程度外界干扰的功能,而且在水印提取后能够近似完全恢复原始载体图像。
The carrier image was classified according to human visual system and the watermark signal is embedded into the carrier image by comparing the brightness and the texture of the different sub-blocks of original carrier image. 对于载体图像,则根据HVS的特性对图像进行块分类,通过比较载体图像不同子块的亮度和方差来实现水印信号的嵌入与提取。
Mobile phones as original interpersonal information communication intermediary, now has become the main carrier of information and the media of information in the information society, and has been developing with the information technology in order to achieve more perfect of mobile phone functionality. 原本作为人际间信息交流中介的手机,如今已成为信息社会的主要信息载体与传播媒介,并在信息技术的推动下不断拓展空间,以实现手机功能的日益完善。